Donate today to help educate the public about farm water in California!
The California Farm Water Coalition is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization committed to provide fact-based information to the public about farm water issues in California. Your donation will help to support outreach and education efforts to improve public understanding about the water it takes to grow our food and fiber.
The Coalition uses PayPal for online donations. Clicking the “Donate” button below will redirect you to a PayPal form.
You can also mail-in a donation by check to: California Farm Water Coalition, Attn: Charitable Donations, 6133 Freeport Blvd, 2nd Floor, Sacramento, CA 95822
Donate today to support the ongoing efforts of the Coalition
Help educate the public about the importance of water in producing our food and fiber. The Coalition provides factual, timely information about the issues surrounding water and farming in California to a broad audience.
Donate with PayPal button below.
Support MOSAC – The Museum of Science and Curiosity
Donate today to support MOSAC, the Museum of Science and Curiosity (formerly Powerhouse Science Center).
Help us bring informative and engaging exhibits about California’s farm water to school children and adults alike.
Donate with PayPal button below.
Contribute to Cultivate California to help consumers connect food with water.
Join Cultivate California to support a collaborative digital effort to improve public awareness about California’s water & food.
Donate with PayPal button below.