From News Line, a daily compilation of farm water news distributed to CFWC members and others upon request. To receive News Line, click here.
Tri-Valley letters: Twin tunnels water proposal would be disaster
Coalition response…The two tunnels will not divert 50% of the water that moves through the Delta as claimed by the letter writer. Export levels have only been about 20% and the amount of water to be sent through the tunnels will be based on available supply. When the water level in the Sacramento River is high more water will be available to move through the tunnels. Lower flows means less water will be exported. Learn more at
Water rights were issued long ago to public water agencies in central and southern California and the Bay area for the purpose of serving farms, homes and businesses. California law prevents the Bay Delta Conservation Plan from negatively impacting existing water rights holders. Claiming that BDCP will dry up an existing water supply is false.
New water storage is needed in our state and BDCP provides the opportunity to realize full benefits from new storage.