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California’s Delta water drain scheme is like “Chinatown” all over again
Coalition response…No one disputes that the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta is in trouble and in need of fixing. Likewise, the State and federal water projects were built when California’s population was less than half of today’s 38 million. The Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP) provides a means to remedy these problems in a manner that benefits all Californians. The BDCP tunnels will receive water from the Sacramento River in an area that the endangered Delta smelt is not present. The water flowing through the tunnels will be delivered to 25 million Californians and 3 million acres of farmland that grows the fresh fruits, vegetables and other crops that the public depend upon. Habitat will also be created to protect endangered fish from predators. The amount of water that will be delivered is controlled by existing contracts that provide users with rights to that water. The BDCP is designed to reliably deliver water that people already have a right to use. It will not “drain” the Delta and, in fact, is prohibited by law from doing so. See the facts about the BDCP’s export restrictions at