Newsom on California Water Future

On January 29, 2020 Governor Newsom spoke on the topics of energy, wildfires and climate change to an audience with PPIC (Public Policy Institute of California.) He was asked about his strategy for California water.

These are real human beings whose lives are being torn asunder because of the scarcity of water.

…That’s why I think we can do more with flexibility, working together.

You’re not bringing that back by getting in seven years of lawsuits where nothing gets done. That’s why I’m pursuing voluntary agreements… 

When we talk about fallowing land, that is real people, real lives, and I have to look them in the eyes. 

It may be an intellectual thing for some who are sitting on the coast, with all due respect, reading the newspaper and talking about the aggregate and saying “well our economy is doing fine”- but what about that poor damn mother that literally can’t take care of that kid because they can’t get that work anymore?

You don’t do that to someone. You don’t destroy that community… …We have got to be held accountable.

I want everyone to calm down. …Just give us a chance.

I have one of the best EPA directors we have ever had. He’s one of the great champions of the environment. I have one of the best water folk… Wade Crowfoot and the team he’s assembled- These are real, great human beings that care deeply about the environment, and they think it’s right to reach out to ag and work with these guys.

The world is changing – We have to change with it – flexibility. Putting the old binaries aside; getting off our high horse; recognizing that we need each other. 

There’s no leak on your side of our boat, we need each other.

Watch the full video of Governor Newsom at PPIC on YouTube: LINK

Skip to his comments on water: LINK









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