The project consists of the development of a 75-acre groundwater banking facility to create an average annual water supply of approximately 2,500 AF from available Kings River flows.
The project would be able to bank an average of approximately 3,200 AF of water each year that will be made available to market.
The project would also provide approximately 53 acres of new wetland habitat, improve groundwater quality through increased groundwater recharge in the area, and reduce groundwater pumping costs by raising groundwater levels in the vicinity due to the project’s average annual banked water balance anticipated to be approximately 5,000 AF.
In addition, the project would reduce flood flows in the Kings River by allowing the District to capture additional flood water from the river into its recharge ponds.
In general, the District’s soils have the ability to percolate very large volumes of water and can take advantage of the additional flood water recharge.
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