Governor urged to end lawsuit, back away from California’s Incidental Take Permit
A letter, dated May 6, 2020, to Sen. Dianne Feinstein from Reclamation Commissioner Brenda Burman and second letter on the same date from six members of the California Congressional Delegation to Governor Gavin Newsom urge California to take a new course of cooperation instead of litigation to solving the state’s major water supply issues. The letters urge the governor to drop pending litigation, including a motion for a preliminary injunction, as well as backing away from California’s new Incidental Take Permit, which effectively reduces State Water Project supplies for hundreds of farms and millions of California citizens.
Letter to Sen. Feinstein
“For the first time in recent memory, we are on the brink of a significant and positive change in the way California water is managed… Instead, however, the State has now chosen to embrace the tactics of litigious interest groups…”
Letter to Governor Newsom:
“The preliminary injunction that your Administration is pursuing, if successful, will deny tens of millions of Californians, including those who live in the San Francisco Bay Area, Los Angeles, the Inland Empire, and San Diego, the water they depend on to live and thrive. [This will] also deny the water needed to keep the fertile San Joaquin Valley producing the agricultural products that we all eat, ultimately jeopardizing a keystone in our nation’s food supply…
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