Agricultural Industry Letters to Governor Gavin Newsom, President Donald Trump, and Congress
Newsom Ag Letter
- 75 California agricultural organizations
- Repair and modernize existing water supply and conveyance infrastructure
- Reconsider State’s legal action against 2019 Biological Opinions
- Fund infrastructure to replace groundwater supplies lost to SGMA
- Reconsider CDFW Incidental Take Permit
Western Letter to President Trump
- 150 Western Agricultural Organizations and Public Water Agencies
- Water conservation and management improvements, fish passage, and habitat restoration
- New water storage projects
- Federal financing for shovel-ready projects
- Policy changes to assure that projects are built in a timely fashion
Western Letter to Congress
- 150 Western Agricultural Organizations and Public Water Agencies
- Water conservation and management improvements, fish passage, and habitat restoration
- New water storage projects
- Federal financing for shovel-ready projects
- Policy changes to assure that projects are built in a timely fashion
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