Fourth-graders from agricultural and urban areas claimed the top three prizes in the 14th Annual Farm Water Poster Contest sponsored by the California Farm Water Coalition.

The top prize went to Zachary Mayo of Veterans Elementary School, Bakersfield. He will receive a $150 cash prize for his drawing of various food products atop a farm field with water flowing across it.

Judges selected the poster by Elyssa Angelo of Promenade Elementary, Corona, for the second-place prize of $100. Her poster depicted water flowing from snow-capped mountains to a farm with crops and animals.

Shailey Shah of Maple Creek Elementary, Fresno, will receive $50 for her third-place poster that included a river meandering through a farm with the Coalition slogan of “Food Grows Where Water Flows” next to the river.

“We are very pleased with the participation of the students and their resulting posters,” said Coalition Executive Director Mike Wade. “It is rewarding to see teachers explaining the connection between food and water on California farms and students are using that information to enter the contest.”

The Coalition sponsors the contest each year to mark “Water Awareness Month” in May. The contest is open to all fourth-grade students from public, private or home schools. More than 250 entries were submitted.

Four posters were selected by judges for “Honorable Mention” and will be posted to the Kid’s section of the Coalition’s website at, along with the top three winners.

In addition to the cash prizes to the winning students, teachers of the winning students will each receive $100 for classroom supplies.

The California Farm Water Coalition represents 5.4 million irrigated acres in the state, making it the largest farm water organization to focus solely on water. The organization provides fact-based information to the public.


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