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Can governor broker a water peace treaty?
Sacramento Bee
Merced Sun-Star
Coalition response…Much time and research has gone into finding solutions to a water infrastructure problem that threatens California’s future. Disagreement does not exist that something needs to be done. Part of the research has already been consideration of a 3,000 cfs conveyance tunnel under the Delta that certain groups recently have introduced as a “new” idea. The Bay Delta Conservation Plan studied this proposal a year ago according to BDCP documentation here.
A smaller diversion would not provide sufficient water to meet both urban and agricultural needs south of the Delta. That solution would either leave millions of acres of productive farmland without a reliable water supply, or it would require continued reliance on moving water through the Delta. Continuing the status quo is not a solution because it doesn’t help fish and it doesn’t deliver enough water – the two reasons why a BDCP project is even being considered in the first place.
Water has been a contentious issue in our state since the days of the Gold Rush. Leaders have stepped forward at certain times in our history and the result has been bold decisions for all Californians, such as the construction of the State Water Project. This bold leadership is just as important today. The Governor’s preferred alternative is a larger, 9,000 cfs facility and we agree. It’s the right choice for California’s water supply – and food supply – future.