The Los Angeles Times recently published an intensely critical article about Westlands Water District, which recited many of the false, misleading, or outdated claims made by some of its critics over the years. The Times’ editors refused to print an Op-Ed that the District offered in response. As a result the District has taken out […]
LA Times’ Westlands Article Incomplete
A recent L.A. Times article on Westlands Water District misses the full story and instead portrays Westside farmers as bad actors in their struggle to grow food. The article begins by repeating the myth that agriculture uses three-quarters of the water in our state. A recent example of this by The Hamilton Project titled […]
Water Rally 3-18-2014 Firebaugh, Ca
Steve Malanca “The issues have been difficult to explain to those who aren’t familiar with agriculture.” This video explains the connection between farms and the businesses that depend on them.
Continue reading3/5/14: Farmers Send Letter to Congress Seeking Bipartisan Leadership
California farmers recognize the dire situation this year’s drought brings. So much so that more than 1,200 of them signed a Petition Letter to Congress insisting they set aside political differences & work together to address the California water crisis.
Continue readingToday’s BDCP Milestone Benefits Farmers and Consumers
Today’s BDCP Milestone Benefits Farmers and Consumers (The following is a statement by Executive Director Mike Wade of the California Farm Water Coalition regarding the release of the Bay Delta Conservation Plan Draft EIR/EIS.) “California’s water supply system has become unreliable and needs upgrading for the current and future demands of its residents. Farmers need […]
Subsidence Solutions
There has been a lot of attention in the media this week to the subject of groundwater overdraft and subsidence, or settling of the land when groundwater is pumped. While this is an extremely important issue for California, people should remember that not all overdraft is the same and “one size fits all” solutions are […]
John F. Kennedy
As we reflect on the legacy of President John F. Kennedy it is natural to recall his appreciation for California and the times he visited the Golden State
Continue readingSan Joaquin Valley farmers aggressive in managing groundwater
From News Line, a daily compilation of farm water news distributed to CFWC members and others upon request. To receive News Line, click here. A dry spell Butte County groundwater levels at historic lows Coalition response…San Joaquin Valley farmers have been aggressive during the past century in managing groundwater supplies. They stepped forward and supported […]
Farm water critics have their priorities mixed up
From News Line, a daily compilation of farm water news distributed to CFWC members and others upon request. To receive News Line, click here. Cities may get just 5% of Delta water requests next year Coalition response…Bill Jennings continues to beat the drum with the same message that others need to cut back on water […]
Announced Water Allocation Serves as Wake-Up Call to Fix Broken Water Supply System
Nov. 20, 2013 — Release Immediate Announced Water Allocation Serves as Wake-Up Call to Fix Broken Water Supply System (Statement by Mike Wade, executive director of the California Farm Water Coalition, on the State Water Project 5 percent allocation announcement.) “Today’s announcement by the Department of Water Resources should be a wake-up call to all […]